Love for coffee kicks hard.
We are a bunch of enthusiasts who decided to produce only the coffee that incites the strongest of feelings.
Hug&Punch Coffee Co. is the first enterprise in this part of Europe that brought together three coffee-chain roles by becoming the supplier of the finest coffee origins, the supreme quality micro-roasting plant, and the best educational centre.
We present
Enter the ring.
We aim to provide you with immediate access to the best selection of coffee origins from around the world and to the knowledge of specialty coffee preparation. Therefore our roasting plant is also an education hall, a place where you can train your coffee skills and prepare the blend that is “tailor-made”, perfectly customized to your needs.
or contact us at +385 99 373 6320
Tailor made coffee
Do you want your own superior coffee blend?
We shall “tailor ” it together.
Our team has 10 years' experience in the coffee-chain industry. During that time, we’ve learned how to satisfy all the sides included in the process, from roasting plant operations to preparing a cup. Come to our laboratory and let us lead you through our unique program of coffee skills. We shall join our forces and create a perfect blend for your bar, restaurant, or hotel.
Posveta Etiopiji: BUNA i OFI
Jedna od naših najupečatljivijih avantura je bio put u Etiopiju 2012. godine i zasigurno je on djelomično odgovoran za život koji danas živimo i stavove koje dijelimo.